
556 items found, showing page 42 of 47

18 Mar 2019

British high street will shut shop if businesses fail to rediscover their role in the community

    • High streets must adapt to involve local communities to create vibrant, thriving meeting places
  • Nationwide makes promise that every town and city with a branch will still have one in May 2021
  • Promise gives ‘here today, here tomorrow’ stability from a trusted brand investing in branches
  • Move forms part of unwavering focus on helping local communities realise potential and improve

11 Mar 2019

Nationwide appoints Carole Layzell to help drive its focus on customer service

Nationwide Building Society today announces it has appointed Carole Layzell as Channel Service Director. She is expected the join the Society mid-March.

07 Mar 2019

Nationwide to deliver "game-changing" service for small businesses as it takes stake in leading fintech

  • Partnership with 10x Future Technologies enables Society to build innovative digital platform
  • Digital offering will be complemented by Society’s unwavering commitment to branches
  • Service will evolve to respond to current and future needs of UK’s 5.7 million small businesses

05 Mar 2019

Pensioners of tomorrow risk staggering £68K shortfall as they underestimate cost of retirement

  • Poll shows pensioners need average of £885 a month – £380 more than the £505 state pension
  • But one in three people in middle age set to retire on state pension alone – leaving £68k shortfall
  • Many are worried about being able to afford retirement and living the lifestyle they want to live
  • Less than one in ten have clear retirement goals and over half don’t know their pension value

08 Feb 2019

Product update: fixed rate bonds and fixed rate ISAs

Today, Nationwide has re-launched its savings range with new rates for its three and five-year Bonds and Fixed Rate ISAs (FRISA).

06 Feb 2019

Four in ten microbusinesses shun business bank accounts

  • New Ipsos MORI research1 commissioned by Nationwide highlights gaps in business banking market
  • Four in ten of the UK’s 5.7m microbusinesses (43%) primarily use personal current accounts to bank
  • One in five using business banking services feel let down due to branch closures and hikes in fees
  • Nationwide commits to shaking-up market with business account built around service and trust
  • Kevin Hollinrake MP, Co-Chair, APPG Fair Business Banking: “Nationwide has a wonderful opportunity to become a key player in a market currently dominated by the Big Five”

21 Dec 2018

What the Dickens? Rents of Christmas past ‘Cratchit’ up by around 120,000% since 1840s

  • Rent on Bob Cratchit’s London home up 119,300% from 1843-2018, 10 times higher than inflation
  • Matched growth would see homes cost around £548,076 per week in another 175 years
  • Renting in London equivalent to £46 per week in 1840s vs £459 per year in today’s market
  • Nine in ten Brits rented properties back in 1840s - far higher than the four in ten renting today

19 Dec 2018

Parents in the dark about cyber risks and so prioritise personal online safety over cyber security, potentially putting family finances at risk

  • More than eight in ten parents share smart devices with their children, research shows
  • Parents more likely to talk about personal safety online than cyber security
  • Just one in six believe their children would be able to spot a fake email or download link

19 Dec 2018

Nationwide's Board changes

Nationwide Building Society today announces the appointment of Albert Hitchcock as an independent non-executive Director of the Society. Albert is a leader in information technology with a 33-year career in the technology industry. He will join the Board in January 2019 and, in addition, will be a member of both the IT & Resilience and Board Risk Committees.

17 Dec 2018

The Dark Night: complacent Brits risk becoming victims of bad man and robbing as winter draws in

  • Two thirds of Brits burgled with a third hit more than once
  • Seven in ten burglary victims turn to modern tech to protect their homes
  • But, three quarters of battery powered smartphone doorbell cameras left without power
  • More than a third of victims admit to posting that they are going away on social media
  • Almost one in ten took no further action to protect their home post break-in

17 Dec 2018

Nationwide launches ‘12 voices of Christmas’ adverts

  • Nationwide Building Society’s latest TV adverts to launch on 24 December and run for eight days
  • Latest adverts form part of Society’s wider ‘Voices’ advertising campaign
  • Adverts to promote Society’s diverse membership highlighting different voices, opinions and stories at Christmas

05 Dec 2018

Nationwide Spending Report: Essential spends rises and discretionary spending falls for second consecutive quarter.

A look into the nation's spending habits based on nearly 710 million transactions, detailing how much money we spend, where we spend it and how. Analysis covers third quarter of 2018 (July-September). Includes consumer research on attitudes toward Christmas spend.

556 items found, showing page 42 of 47