29 Sep 2022

TMW relaunched buy to let products

On Friday 30 September, The Mortgage Works (TMW) will reintroduce its range of fixed buy to let mortgages following their temporary withdrawal on Wednesday (28th).

The new buy to let rates include:

  • Five-year fixed at 65% at 5.74% with a £1,995 fee
  • Ten-year fixed at 65% at 5.49% with no fee

The above are available for purchase and remortgage with other rate/fee combinations also available on two and five year fixed rate mortgages.

Full details on all TMW mortgages can be found here.

Daniel Clinton, Head of The Mortgage Works, said: “Following a very brief withdrawal we have reintroduced our range of fixed rate buy to let mortgages. We remain committed to supporting landlords, which is why we brought our fixed rate products back quickly, but we have had to reprice our range to ensure our rates remain sustainable in the current economic environment.”
